
Analyze communication that takes place between characters

For the first step in your Communication Project choose one of the following movies to analyze.

  • Juno (2007)
  • I Am Sam (2001)
  • 21 (2008)
  • The Kite Runner (2007)
  • Crash (2004)

For plot summaries of films, see the Internet Movie Database at https://www.imdb.com. If you wish to suggest a different film, please present your idea to your instructor for approval immediately.

Once you selected your film, write a paragraph to your instructor indicating your choice. Explain in a few sentences why your choice interests you and what two areas of communication you will analyze. Close with a few sentences in which you anticipate some things you might learn about communication in this project.

For your communication project you will write a 2-3 page movie analysis where you analyze communication that takes place between characters in a movie. In your analysis you must address two of the following areas of communication:


  • Stages of Relational Development
  • Relational Dialectics
  • Attraction Theory
  • Exchange Theory (cost/reward)
  • Life-cycle of relationships (beginning, maintaining, ending)
  • Relationship Rules Theory

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Other Subject: Analyze communication that takes place between characters
Reference No:- TGS0547691

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