Analyze artistic developments based on materials and color

Discussion Post

Throughout this content, we can see a drastic change in the aesthetic qualities of art in the early Middle Ages. This change is not because of a decline in artistic abilities. Rather, it is a sign of a new ideology concerning the purpose of art in regard to changing lifestyles. Consider these new art trends and analyze Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine art.

Paragraph I: Using an example of Jewish or Early Christian Art, formally analyze the artistic developments based on the following: materials, composition, color, spatial qualities, etc.

Paragraph II: Using an example of Byzantine Art, compare/contrast their aesthetics with that of Jewish and/or Early Christian art. What is similar? What is different?

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Analyze artistic developments based on materials and color
Reference No:- TGS03140344

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