
Analyze and interpret a primary source for your event


Create a Departmental Project- Historical Event Analysis (HEA): The student will be responsible for choosing a Civil Rights event in American History between the years 1877 and 2003 and create an argument on its significance using historical evidence of at least one primary source and one secondary source. The student will also analyze and interpret the primary and secondary sources by explaining how the material impacted the chosen event. Make sure to properly cite your sources in Chicago Turabian format, and will be graded based on the following criteria: (sources must be different from extra credit ACAPS)

• Summary and significance- In at least 250 words provide a brief summary of your event and its significance.

o Include the major points of Who? What? When? Where? Why? Significance?
o How is it significant to the concept of, what it is to be an American?

• Primary Source- In at least 125 words analyze and interpret a primary source for your event.

• Secondary Source- In at least 125 words analyze and interpret a secondary source for your even.

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History: Analyze and interpret a primary source for your event
Reference No:- TGS03220955

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