
Analyze and interpret a primary or secondary document that

Assignment will require students to analyze and interpret a primary or secondary document that includes quantitative data (e.g. graphs or other visual illustrations) using sociological terminology in an essay format. The following writing assignment is meant to help you use the concepts you have learned in this class to explore and analyze an important current issue in our society. As you write your paper, focus your attention on how you as an individual can respond to this current issue using the sociological imagination.

After reading the attached article, you will write an essay, 250 words minimum that must address the following:

1. Draw three main conclusions from the article;

2. Describe two important elements of data presented on the charts/graph and briefly interpret each data element;

3. Describe the ways in which this can be defined as a personal trouble or social issue. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the article to support your position (i.e. be sure to include other cultural perspectives in addition to your own);

4. Explore how the social phenomena discussed in the article may or may not contribute to human suffering and or social disorganization (i.e. be sure to include other cultural perspectives in addition to your own);

5. Based on your exploration on prompts numbers 1-4 make three recommendations including, but not limited to:

a) A need for future research on this social phenomenon,

b) The development of new laws or public policies to address this issue

c) Relevant programs to assist individuals and groups regarding the issue.

You are encouraged to support your argument with direct textual evidence and your sociological insights (applicable terms and concepts learned over your semester of study). Cite the article in APA.

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Term Paper: Analyze and interpret a primary or secondary document that
Reference No:- TGS02543786

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