
Analyze and explain the different macro-environments


Analyze and explain the different macro-environments. Describe how these macro-environments will impact the demand for the Green Motorcar Company car.

In addition, analyze the key factors in the macro-environments that the Green Motorcar Company must monitor to be prepared for changes that will impact the size of its target market. Would the company need to give more importance to any of the factors in the macro-environment more than the others? Why?

Select a target market segment for your initial launch of the car. Describe why you think this target segment is most appropriate for your car.

Once you have selected the target market, discuss how you will create a marketing information system to monitor that segment. How will it monitor external factors in the business environment that will influence demand for the car? How will it enable Green Motorcar Company to more quickly respond to the changes in demands driven by changes in the business environment?

Response includes discussion of these areas:

i) Political
ii) Legal
iii) Technological
iv) Natural environment
v) Demographic
vi) Social conditions

900 words plus 2 references.

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Macroeconomics: Analyze and explain the different macro-environments
Reference No:- TGS01999006

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