
Analyze and evaluate the conclusions based upon what you


Using the article below write a paper two pages in length, double-spaced, and include proper APA (current edition) citations and references (with the references listed on a second page). It should also include:

• A first paragraph that summarized the research and the conclusions.

• One or two paragraphs that analyze and evaluate the conclusions based upon what you have learned about ergonomics in this module and about human factors in the preceding modules.

• A final paragraph or two that draw conclusions regarding the relative validity of the research in regard to its ability to contribute a positive impact on human performance and to reducing human error based on a creative application of that analysis and evaluation.

Article: Fundamentals of systems ergonomics/human factors by John R. Wilson.

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Dissertation: Analyze and evaluate the conclusions based upon what you
Reference No:- TGS02606936

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