
Analyze and discuss the ways in which social roles and


Note that this project was designed with remote, off-campus students in mind. As a Gainesville student, you are a member of the Gainesville community--even if digitally. You commune weekly with fellow Gainesville students in the discussion boards for this class. All Harn collections are available at their website. Gainesville/UF demographics can be easily researched on the web. Librarians at the Harn Bishop Study Center are available to assist students with research in their collections. Remote students can reach the Bishop via email and phone.

*Beware of plagiarism! Any information, words or ideas (quoted or paraphrased) taken from any source need to be properly cited. Use footnotes, endnotes or in-text citations. Your paper will also include a bibliography. Use 'Citation Guide' link below for one of multiple accepted footnote/endnote and bibliography styles.

• Art has the power to influence. Art reflects the cultural concerns of the community that sponsors it. With this in mind, investigate how the Harn's non-Western art collection(s) impact/influence/reflect (or doesn't impact/influence/reflect) diversity in Gainesville. This is a research paper and your information should be properly researched and documented. Consult Harn resources provided below for information about its collections.

• You may use your own photographs or photos provided at the Harn website or online. All images should be properly labelled. Your paper should be uploaded as a single Word doc with properly labelled, embedded images. You should include a bibliography or reference page at the end of your paper that includes all your sources. You may research works from different collections, or the works from one collection.

• This is a coherent research paper, NOT an exhibition catalogue. I DO NOT WANT IMAGES WITH INDIVIDUAL DESCRIPTIONS, LIKE A CATALOGUE. Instead, construct a research paper, with an introduction, body and conclusion. Your paper should include a bibliography or references page. Your paper should include a thesis statement or key theme/argument. Your images should support your argument and serve as the focus of your narrative.

• See sample papers, below. These serve merely as sample guidelines per my *minimum* expectations for an 'A' grade for this project. These papers were kindly provided with the author's permission. The formats shown in either sample paper is preferred, but not required. You may use whatever format or style guide you prefer, so long as your paper is consistent in its format. You are *not* obligated to include section titles, as shown in the sample papers. You should, however, include some form of introduction, body and conclusion.

• For this project, students will be expected to identify a culturally diverse art collection in the Harn, and analyze ways in which this art reflects the artist's or group's cultural heritage. Students should contrast this heritage with their own experience. Students should discuss the ways in which the art collection contributes to/engages diversity and cultural awareness of groups in their own community/digital community of UF Gainesville.

• Papers should reflect material discussed and learned in class, especially topics covered in the diversity discussion boards.

• When discussing diversity in Gainesville, do not generalize. Research actual relevant ethnic/racial/gender statistics and demographics, readily available online.

• The collection you write about should be properly researched. Resources for research of museum collections are available to students at the Harn. Researched or quoted material should be properly cited. Any citation style is acceptable, such as MLA or Chicago. See citation guide, below, for Chicago.

• Images should be properly labelled with artist, title and date. Photo source or credits not required.

• Be sure to have a look at the rubric criteria, below, for which you will be assessed. Once your paper has been graded, be sure to read the comments/feedback embedded in the rubric, and/or provided in the comment bubble below your grade.

• Students should be prepared to identify, communicate and analyze the following outcomes for content, communication and critical thinking: (1) identify, describe and explain values, attitudes and norms, as reflected in the visual culture of the group(s) under question; (2) analyze and discuss the ways in which social roles and status affect these different groups, their opportunities and constraints--as contrasted with the dominant white authority of the United States and the student's own experience; (3) use appropriate art historical terms, concepts and approaches for analysis of artworks used as examples.

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