
Analyze and describe the lyrics and what the words express

African American Music

Course Assignments

Topic Writing Assignment:

The following assignment requires the ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving through descriptive analysis of musical examples. The assignment is to be written in essay form and must be typed, in Microsoft word format (.docx), double-spaced, with a minimum of 1400 words (4 pages) in length. Spelling, grammar, fluency and other writing skills must be clearly demonstrated. List the titles and composers, if available. Include a title page with the topic, date, name, course and instructor's name.Also include a Works Cited page. Assignments must be sent to the Pilot drop-box by the due date. Recordings may be selected from Rhapsody, YouTube, Pilot Audio File Resources and/or Dunbar Library Listening Archives. Please see the Appendix for directions on accessing these Resources.

CHOOSE ONE of the following TOPICS

Topic One: Folk Traditions (Slave Songs and Spirituals)

Part 1. Listen to three different recordings of slave songs. Identify the title of each song. The composers are not usually listed for folk songs. Describe the style and the musical characteristics (elements).Analyze and describe the lyrics and what the words express. Make a comparison between these slave songs and some folk songs you may have learned as a child. What are some similarities and differences? Provide examples of lyrics.

Part 2.Listen to three different recordings of African American spirituals.Identify the title of each song. The composers are not usually listed for spirituals, although most have an arranger. Describe the style and the musical characteristics (elements). Analyze the lyrics, a description of how they are performed, what the words express and what "hidden meanings" or metaphors might be suggested in the lyrics. Provide examples of lyrics.

Topic Two: The Great Migration (The Blues and Gospel)

Part 1. Listen to three different blues songs. List the titles and singers and the use of instruments. Describe how these songs express the "blues" through musical characteristics and lyrics. Compare and analyze the differences between each of the songs. Provide examples of lyrics.

Part 2. Listen to three different gospel songs:traditional, modern and contemporary. List the title, artist and composer (if indicated). Describe the musical characteristics: instruments, vocal style, rhythm, melody, lyrics, etc. Pay special attention to the elements of the blues, improvisation, accompaniment, and the lyrics. Compare and analyze the difference between each style. Discuss how gospel music has changed. Provide examples of lyrics.

Topic Three: Popular Music Traditions(Rhythm & Blues/Soul/Funk and Heroes/Icons)

Part 1. Listen to ONE example from each style of music (Traditional R&B/Soul/Funk). List the titles and artists. Describe the musical characteristics, including the instruments, vocal style (harmony vs. solo), rhythm, etc. Describe the lyrics and discuss the differences between each style. What distinguishes traditional R&B from Soul or Funk music? Compare the difference between traditional R&B and contemporary R&B. Provide examples of lyrics.

Part 2. African Americans have made significant contributions to American culture through music. Several artists have changed history because of their music and form of expression. Select ONE of the following artists and listen to three to four different examples of their music. List the titles and describe the musical characteristics and performance techniques that make them unique. Focus upon their lyrics and the messages that they conveyed. Describe what philosophical or political ideology was expressed through their music.Provide examples of lyrics.

Artists: Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Tupac Shakur, Whitney Huston and possible others WITH my approval.

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