
Analyze and briefly explain personnel planning and employee

Individual assignment - Choose any three to be submitted.

1. Why it is important for companies today to make their human resource into competitive advantage? Explain how HR can contribute to doing this?

2. What is Job analysis? How can you make use of the information it provides? Do you think companies can really do without detailed job description? Why or why not?

3. Analyze and briefly explain personnel planning and employee recruiting in organization that you are in or any organization of your choice. Give your comment .

4. Identify source of information techniques that you would suggest your company to use in hiring the HR executive at your company.  Also, explain why you chose the technique/ techniques.

5.  Explain what you understand the different between orientation and on boarding. A well-thought-out orientation/ on-boarding program is essential for all new employees, whether they have experience or not."  Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement. Based on your own working experience how effective the orientation/ on-boarding program that you have gone through in the company.

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HR Management: Analyze and briefly explain personnel planning and employee
Reference No:- TGS02263931

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