
Analyze an article published within 60 days prior to the

Complete the following:

Based upon this week's reading, analyze an article published within 60 days prior to the start of the term (which was in November 13th) that deals with globalization or trade policy. Pay special attention to winners and losers.

What role did/do special interests play in the implementation of this policy?

Create a supply and demand graph that illustrates international trade and tariffs. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source. Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points.

the lecture we learnt: property rights, Coase Theorem, Comparative advantages, Protectionism, Tariff, Equilibrium,


Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length and must conform to the APA format.

Include the supply-demand graph you created based on the requirements established. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source.

Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points.

Incorporate at least three scholarly references that are not required readings for this module.

textbook: Chapters 6 & 7 in Introduction to Microeconomics

Chapters 21, 26, 29, & 30 in The Economics of Public Issues

Porter, M. E., & Rivkin, M.E. (2012). Choosing the United States. Harvard Business Review, 90(3), 80-93

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Dissertation: Analyze an article published within 60 days prior to the
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