
Analyze an argument using the model

The quiz is available now through.The exam is scheduled for Friday and will be available for about 24hours The quiz will consist of 25 multiple choice and true/false questions that cover the major concepts from through 5 in your ARQ text.  You may want to review the presentations to prepare for the quiz.  

On your exam you will be required to analyze an argument using the model from your ARQ text by answering the critical questions we have been studying.  In addition, you will be required to answer some multiple choice questions that will demonstrate your depth of understanding regarding the analysis that you have done. 

The following is a sample analysis of the article that you analyzed in your groups last week. I would like you to compare it with your group post.  It may help you to see some points that you may have overlooked in the article, or perhaps point out some things that you included that may not have been in direct support of the author's conclusion. 

Issue: Should state run lotteries be banned?

Conclusion:  Yes, the states should not be in the business of urging people to gamble.


  1. Buying a ticket is an almost sure-fire way of getting nothing for something.
  2. The slogans urge people to buy a product - a jackpot - that they have almost no chance of receiving.
  3. Presumably, the only new jobs created by the lottery are the relatively few jobs of the people who dream up the slogans or who are in charge of collecting and processing the receipts.
  4. To imply that the lottery is a reasonable option to get out of present poverty is to be    deceptive.
  5. Further, the message is essentially unwholesome.  It implies that the way out is luck,   rather than education and hard work.
  6. The amount of revenue generated is only about 4 percent of the total revenue of the states.  This amount could be raised by other means, specifically by taxation.
  7. The state should not tempt people, rich or poor, with dreams of an easy buck.
  8. Education and social services are immensely important to the whole of society, so theyshould not be disproportionately financed by the poor and addicted.
  9. We would consider it almost criminal if in an effort to increase its revenues, the state enticed people to smoke - for example, by posting billboards showing attractive people smoking or cartoon characters that appealed to children.
  10. State legislators who genuinely have the interests of their constituents at heart will not  pass bills that put the state into the lottery business and that cause the state to  engage in an activity that is close to pickpocketing.

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Other Subject: Analyze an argument using the model
Reference No:- TGS0548193

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