
Analyze a well-recognized global sport organization


Please read over this assignment carefully.

Remember that these are my four main objectives for using this case:

1. Identify relevant historical and socio-political elements in order to contextualize the actions of collective and individual stakeholder interacting in a given situation;

2. Become aware of the importance of considering an organization's cultural and identity-based dimensions and understanding their influence on organizational and strategic changes;

3. Use a strategic analysis grid, which is based on identifying key actors in a given situation, their goals, resources, strategies and stakes, as well as on identifying the links between these different variables;

4. Recognition of the importance of organizational identity for the cohesion of work teams and of specific challenges involved in integrating actors from abroad.

5. Analyze a well-recognized global sport organization. With this being said, please read over the case thoroughly keeping the following in mind: Identify the different elements that you believe allowed FC Barcelona to position itself as one of the most prestigious soccer clubs in the world.


In order to analyze this case, we're approaching it from an organized, methodical way (APPENDIX 1 & 2):

Step 1: You will describe the context and identify the relevant contextual elements of a situation where at least two actors are in a power relationship.

Step 2: Construct analytical grids in which actors and the different variables of the strategic analysis will be indicated.

Step 3: Identify the elements in the case under study for each of the variables in the grid.

Step 4: Determine the nature of these variables: Are they political, economic, etc?

Step 5: Explore the interrelations between the elements in the grid in order to shed light on why each actor (See Appendix 3) take a particular course of action and on why the situation being studied is as it is.

Also, keep in mind the Part 1 of the case (right before Nunez and Gaspart Years) deals with the club's history and the broader socio-political context in which the club evolved as well as the club's turnaround under the leadership of Joan Laporta. Identify the TWO main collective "actors".

When reading Part 2 (right after Nunez and Gaspart Years), focus on the issues of organizational identity and strategic change. The second part focuses more on individual strategic "actors", so identify these.

Paper Format

In a paper format, you will submit a typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font report covering the following information listed beginning at Part 1 Analysis. Please include at least three outside references outside of the report itself. You're not responsible for citing the case study in the works cited page, but outside references must be included in a separate works cited page. There's no page limit to the assignment but critical thinking and thoroughness of responses must be demonstrated.

Part 1 Analysis (goes up until p. 5 of your case right before Nunez and Gaspart Years)

We know that sports teams often act as a powerful catalyst and symbol of identity based and cultural phenomena at the individual, group, and national levels. Think of the Olympics, World Cup, etc. This case highlights this in a powerful way.

Now address the following (done in class for Part 1 of case).

1. First, what are the key elements of the socio-political context (See Appendix 1) in which FC Barcelona evolves in Part 1 of the case? Include a chart that breaks this down into the following years (1899, 1917-1922, 1922-1925, 1931, 1936-1939, 1940-1950, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1968, 1973-1975, & 1975-1978).

I would have a chart with one column labeled "evolution of the socio-political context" and the other column labeled "evolution of the organization". For example:


Evolution of socio-political context

Evolution of the organization


Catalan nationalism is consolidated w/in Barcelona's bourgeise

-Club founded by Gamper, who adopts a Catalan version of his name and reinforces the Catalan identity of the club

-Financial situation is not solid despite success on the field

2. Then, in your opinion, as a manager, why should a manager be sensitive to these types of contextual elements? Provide proper support.

3. Who are the main players/actors (See Appendix 2) interacting in this first part of the case? *Hint-there are two main ones. In a table format similar to the one above, identify the two actors and then complete a strategic analysis looking at the following elements: goals, resources, strategies, and stakes (See Appendix 1 for complete description of elements.)

After completing this table, address the following questions (done in your groups):

a. What dominant analytical variables are presented (i.e. economic, political, symbolic, material, etc.)

b. Why do you think the symbolic dimension is so important in the relations between the Spanish government and FC Barcelona?

c. Would FC Barcelona have been able to survive on the strength of its successful performances on the playing field alone?

d. How do you think the organization would have evolved if the identity-based tensions had been inexistent or weak?

Part 2 Analysis (p. 5 right after Nunez and Gasport Years)

Now that you've thoroughly analyzed the first part of the case in class, I want you to think about this part of the case and focus more on the organizational environment while expanding on the role of certain individual and collective actors in FC Barcelona's evolution.

1. Like above, include some type of write up or table chronicling the evolution of the external environment and the internal environment. Elements of the internal and external environments are included below. I would break it into the following dates (1980-1990, 1990, 1994-1995, End or 90s-early 2000s, 2002-2003, 2003-2008, 2008-2012, and 2013-present)

The external environment includes aspects such as government intervention to rectify the lax management of the clubs, Bosman ruling, globalization of soccer, and any other element external to the organization.

Internal environmental aspects include the arrival of Cruijiff, creation of La Masia, the training center, and any other element internal to the organization.

2. Who are the main players/actors interacting in the second part of the case? *Hint-there are two main ones.

In a table format similar to the one above, identify the two actors and then complete a strategic analysis looking at the following: goals, resources, strategies, and stakes (See Appendix 1).

After completing this table, address the following questions:

a. What major event pushed Barca and the other clubs to reconsider how they do things?

b. Since Barca was experiencing both sporting and financial hardships just when it would have been possible for it to adapt a strategy similar to that of Manchester United, why did it not do so?

c. Read Appendix 3found at the end of the assignment to grasp organizational identity. What are the elements of continuity and discontinuity in the organizational identity that usher in and characterize FC Barcelona's golden age of both financial and sporting performance?

3. Finally, the case highlights the need for managers who need to be able to understand and operate effectively within increasingly complex organizations and environments.

a. From a management perspective, provide three practical recommendations for FC Barcelona moving forward.

b. Provide three takeaway points from this case.

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Macroeconomics: Analyze a well-recognized global sport organization
Reference No:- TGS03020957

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