
Analyze a piece of media using critical thinking concepts

Option: Analyze a piece of media using critical thinking concepts.

Select one of the following to analyze:

  • a movie
  • a political speech
  • a past or present political campaign
  • a marketing campaign for a product (e.g., iPads)
  • an article or speech on a past or present popular issue such as gun control or immigration
  • the contents of a persuasive book or TV show

Write a paper of approximately 750 words in which you examine how critical thinking skills apply to the arguments presented in your selected piece of media.

Your assignment (either Option 1 or Option 2) should answer these questions as appropriate:

What is the issue?

Why is it important?

What is the structure of the argument?

How do ethics and values apply to the issue?

What are the reality assumptions? How did you discover the reality assumptions?

How do statistics and causal generalizations apply to the issue?

What research or statistical studies are associated with the issue? How would you evaluate that research or study?

What kinds of reasoning errors-fallacies-did you identify?

What language techniques did you identify? How powerful was the language? What problems with language did you identify?

How was suggestion used?

What kinds of marketing and advertising tricks were used?

How was fair-mindedness addressed?

How were the elements of persuasive argument used?

How were problem solving and decision making applied?

What are your conclusions?

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Dissertation: Analyze a piece of media using critical thinking concepts
Reference No:- TGS01626043

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