
Analyze a level 3 strong needs mistaken behavior

Reflective practice is an indicator of excellent educators. Experienced as well as inexperienced educators demonstrate their professionalism by adjusting their practices to increase their effectiveness.

Analyze a Level 3 strong needs mistaken behavior intervention you have dealt with or observed. Discuss the behavior identification, share the implemented interventions and strategies, analyze the effectiveness, and finally share any adjustments you would now make to the plan.

In a 2-3-page Reflection paper, share a situation (experienced or observed) dealing with a Level 3 strong needs mistaken behavior. Reflect on and describe the changes you would now make to your procedure.

Your paper should include: 2-3 pages describing the Level 3 mistaken behavior and reasons for this identification

Include applicable information from available resources Include evidence of Develomentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) awareness Intervention strategies attempted/implemented Crisis management techniques attempted/implemented An explanation of how you would handle the situation applying your new learning APA formatted title and reference pages as well as in text citation where appropriate

This is for an early childhood class- please do this about a 2 year old.

Levels of Behavior

Level One - Experimentation
- Learning autonomy - reach out and try new things, making mistakes along the way.
- Shows individual initiative and claims sense of own purpose, however vague that is.
- Teacher guides rather than disciplines. Suggests other actions.

Level Two - Social Influenced
- Trying new things by copying other children, thereby making mistakes.
- Lacks selflesteem about his/her own judgment and values. Adept at involving teacher and others in his/her own work.
- Teacher gently breaks patterns of dependence. Nudges child toward autonomy.

Level Three - Strong Needs
- Relating to new setting as a 'dangerous and painful place." Their rigid and exaggerated patterns lead to inappropriate actions and extreme mistakes.
- Shows anti-social (aggressive) or non-social (withdrawal) behavior.
- Teacher recruits parents or caregivers in comprehensive approach - nonpunitive, building trust and positive relationship.

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Dissertation: Analyze a level 3 strong needs mistaken behavior
Reference No:- TGS01420693

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