Analyze a legal problem of concern to a health care provider

Assignment task:

This is a project on a topic of your own choosing. When picking the project topic, consider an issue or actual "real life" legal problem that is timely and presents a dilemma for the health care provider, health care entity, and/or health care industry as a whole. For this project, you must write a 10-12 page (double-spaced) letter addressed to a colleague, the administrator of the health care institution in question, or your state or federal legislator, as appropriate, in which you do the following:

1. Describe and analyze a legal problem of concern to a health care provider, health care institution, and/or health care industry, including how the legal problem arose.

2. Identify the legal principles and issues involved in the problem along with all the relevant facts.

3. Develop recommendations for a resolution of this problem as well as suggestions on how to implement those recommendations.

4. Discuss any and all intended and possible unintended consequences of your recommendations.

You may choose either of the following:

1. A legal problem that arose for you as a health care provider or that arose in a health care setting in which you work or have worked.

2. A health care related legal problem that you found in a recent (past three months) magazine, health care journal, or newspaper article.

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Other Subject: Analyze a legal problem of concern to a health care provider
Reference No:- TGS03350493

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