
Analytical tools use in the development of strategic plan


I have been ask my instructor to complete an assignment that involves three simulation, 1. Thinking strategically, 2. Developing Grand Strategies, 3. Creating a Strategic Road Map. He is requesting that we write a 350 word paper for each answering the following question

Q1. What are lessons learned relative to the importance and effectiveness of environmental scanning, strategy formulation and choice, and the formulation of action plans and goals?

Q2. What concepts and analytic tools were you able to use in the development of your strategic plan (i.e., how did you apply what you learned)?

Q3. What do your results reveal about the challenges facing strategic planners?

After answering these questions I am to write a Simulation Reflection Paper on what all three have in common.

I have been trying to understand and these simulations for the past 4 weeks and have spent all-day the last two days trying to put it together. Do you have any knowledge of the simulation for MBA/580 that can give me some assistance?

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Strategic Management: Analytical tools use in the development of strategic plan
Reference No:- TGS01853733

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