
Analysis utilizing generalized linear mixed models

1. Fit regression models to uncover treatment e ects on presence of H. in uenzae, that consider possible e ects due to treatment compliance and the timing of the test (week).

2. Perform this analysis using generalized linear mixed models, generalized estimating equations, and transition models. Compare and contrast the three approaches, and state how they compare with regard to estimated treatment e ects. Note that for transition models, some work might need to be done to get the dataset in shape to run with the glm() function.

2.The Data Provide some summaries of your data, search for outliers and consider what to do with them in your analyses.

3.Methods Discuss your methods for developing your models, such as variable coding, utilization of interactions (if needed), selection of covariance structure (in gee case), and so forth.

4.Results Show the results and details of the tted regression models in appropriate tables and possibly any relevant graphs. Provide an interpretation of the results and a comparison of the three techniques for modeling (gee, glmm,transition).

5.Summary Give a very brief summary of what you have found in a non-technical manner

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Basic Statistics: Analysis utilizing generalized linear mixed models
Reference No:- TGS043879

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