
Analysis using the person in environment approach

Case Study: Analysis Using the Person in Environment Approach

Mrs. Keller is a 79 year-old widow living in a tiny home that she and her husband owned. She was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago and her insurance policy does not cover all of her medical bills. Due to stress and illness, she has become frail and depressed. A couple of smooth con artists tell her she can get money out of her house and that they will buy it from her. However, a clause in the contract says that the seller will pay for all repair costs after the sale. This con has cost other seniors not only their homes, but their equity in their homes.

1) Identify information that is relevant to each of the four person-in-environment factors: Factor I: Social-role problems; Factor II: Environmental problems; Factor III: Mental disorders; and Factor IV: Physical disorders.

2) Identify personal strengths and resources relevant to the case.

3) How could her strengths and resources be applied to the problems identified above?

4) What was it like to isolate information for use in the person-in-environment model? Did you feel comfortable thinking about Mrs. Keller's situation in this way? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons of using this model?

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Other Subject: Analysis using the person in environment approach
Reference No:- TGS03375581

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