
Analysis the chapter charles dickens hard times

Question analysis with supporting paraphrases or quotation from the specified chapter.

Answering the questions with the use of a paraphrase or quotation for each answer, look to make sure it aligns to the corresponding book and chapter Charles Dickens Hard Times? Answer the questions and support them with quotations or paraphrased examples from the text.

Book the First chapters 1-16

Hard Times Book the Second – Reaping and
Book the Third -Garnering

Note the bucketed sections that the questions correspond- you can use cliff notes etc to get to the answer and the supporting paraphrase or quote to support the analysis of the answer

Book the First Sowing, Chapters 1-8

1. How does the schoolroom reflect the educational philosophy of Mr. Gradgrind?

2. What is the meaning of the title of Chapter 2?

3. How do the characters of the circus workers compare to the characters of Mr. Bounderby and Mr. Gradgrind?

4. What is the function of the character of Mrs. Gradgrind?

5. What is Mrs. Sparsit's opinion of the implied connection between Mr. Bounderby and Louisa?

Book the First-Sowing, Chapters 9-16

6. How do aspects of Stephen's situation reflect what you know about the life of the poor in Victorian England and the Industrial Age?

7. Who did the law serve in Victorian England? Give evidence from the text to support your answer.

8. Find and explain a reference, expression, or saying in this section of Hard Times with which you are unfamiliar, either because it is British or because it is tied to the time period in which this book was written.

9. Choose a character and explain how that character represents an ideal of Victorian England.

10. Why does Sissy Jupe's response to her father's absence surprise and astound Mr. Gradgrind?? K12 Inc.

11. How would you characterize Louisa?s response to Mr. Bounderby?s proposal?

12. Why does Sissy Jupe struggle so much in school?

Book the Second – Reaping

1. Explain the description of Coketown as ruined, and its inhabitants as ?china? in the beginning of Book

2. What does this mean? Why are they described this way?

3. Is the character of James Harthouse a positive or a negative character? Why?

4. What crisis does Stephen face in Book 2? Does it surprise you how he handles it? Why or why not?

5. How does Louisa's character change during this book? Why do you think she ultimately changes so much?

6. What are some of the things Mrs. Sparsit does in Book 2 to endear herself to Mr. Bounderby? Why does she do these things?

7. Explain the metaphor of Mrs. Sparsit?s staircase.

Book the Third – Garnering

8. In what way is Bitzer a success story of Mr. Gradgrind?s method?? K12 Inc.

9. How does Mr. Gradgrind's character change during this book? Why do you think he ultimately changes so much? How can you explain the fact that he has not changed until now?

10. What are the major errors that Mrs. Sparsit makes in this book? Explain them, and explain how Dickens uses humor in these scenes.

11. How does Mr. Bounderby's reaction to Mrs. Sparsit's actions defy social conventions of that time?

12. How does Stephen's fate represent Dickens? view toward the poor?

13. How does Sissy's fate represent a common feature in Victorian literature?

14. What larger point could Dickens be trying to make with the epilogue of the characters?

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