
Analysis request a fuller analysiscomparisondiscussion

Research Project - Managing Knowledge in Aircraft Engineering Maintenance

1. fill in the attached Research Project Formulation Template

- List UTS Academics or Research Centres that undertake Research related to the Project Topic (max 300 characters)

- Executive Summary * Provide a clear and concise overview of project. Present, aims discussed, potential findings and conclusions to be drawn. This section "sells" your project to a prospective examiner, so make it factual, so understanding of exactly what your project delivers, and how it contributes to knowledge is clear (max 1500 characters)

- Research Objective * Specify research objective (max 500 characters). The objective requires the "by" connection, refer to Lecture Notes and TUDelft Lecture 2 Notes. (for the notes please find the attachment)

- Research Question * Specify your specific research question (max 500 characters). The question needs to be well defined, derived from your literature review and mapped to your objective

- Hypotheses * List your hypotheses (or hypothesis), if more then one use # to indicate the hypothesis number (max 500 characters). The hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of literature review and developed understanding (supported by theory or literature) and is the starting point for further investigation. The hypothesis needs to be able to be validated / disproved from your experiments and data collection.

2. Research Project (use the attached template) with the same topic

- Executive Summary - Brief overview of project, main aim of project, potential findings and conclusions, it need clear and concise, consistency present in summarizing the project, aims, findings and conclusions between executive summary and the entire project proposal.

- Introduction - Presents general project area, relevance of project, specific investigationof project and a brief outline of proposal to follow it need clearly articulates the need to underatake the research. Presents the critical details of project area with concise description of project.

- Literature Review (attached) please summarizing and amend as below

a) Research Question, request more specific thinking is needed to move forward. The questions could be reformulated and integrated to one

b) Analysis, request a fuller analysis/comparison/discussion based on specific content is necessary.

In-text referencing is correct.

- Research Question / Aim & Sub-goals - Critically reviews existing work, identifies relevant research areas and any opposing views. Links to the gap of the project will fill, it need identifies a precise and measurable research question relevant to of study, aims are non-repetitive, seamlessly integrated, showing clearly articulated understanding over the steps to meet aim and tangible sub-goals.

- Theoretical Content - Clear theoretical basis for work e.g. hypothesis, theoretical approaches. Show impact of theory on project steps. It need Identifies clear theoretical basis for work e.g. hypothesis, theoretical approaches. Non-repetitive discussion seamlessly integrated where appropriate. Show impact of theory on project steps.

- Experimental Set-up - discussion of lab and / or field set-up and potential limitations. It need identifies experimental lab and/or field set-up linked to project aims and sub-goals. Clear and concise discussion of potential limitations and problems in undertaking experiments. And how the activites planned lead to producing evidence necessary

- Results, Outcome and Relevance - Explanation of data, variables and parameters and type of results to be investigated Makes projection of outcome and shows relevance of outcome. It need clear explanation of data linked to lab and /or field set up. Identifies the variables and parameters and type of results to be investigated with suitable data analysis. Makes projection of outcome and shows relevance of outcome to project objectives.

- Project Planning and Gantt Chart - Transforms sub-goals into a schedule of work using a Gantt chart showing the three key review points, milestones and deliverables. It need contains a transformed list of sub-goals into a schedule of work using a Gantt Chart show in: three key review points, milestones and deliverables. The plan is well integrated and consistent with the remaining of the project proposal. Planning timelines and activity evaluation considered.

- Conclusions - Clear precise conclusions on proposed work. Makes supported statement on the longer-term impact of the work on the project area. It need to clear conclusion, long term impact. Consistency with remaining of document.

- Referencing - Needs to include 17 high quality references

- 10 pages excluding cover sheet and reference section

Attachment:- research project template.zip

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Dissertation: Analysis request a fuller analysiscomparisondiscussion
Reference No:- TGS02789145

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