
Analysis on the movie rental industry today

Netflix in 2012 (Case in eBook)- Case Analysis Questions:

Minimum of 1000 wordsof answers for this assignment in total

Read chapter 3 on external analysis before completing this assignment. You only need to use the information contained in the case in the textbook; you do not need to do outside or updated research.

Use clear headings and titles and use spacing well…don’t give us huge unbroken blocks of text.

1. Perform a five forces model of competition analysis on the Movie Rental Industry today

a. Create one graph or chart that lists the name of each force, and its rating. For this industry, rate the power of each force as strong (high), medium, or weak (low)

b. For each force, explain in a clear paragraph of several sentences why you rated it that way. (separate paragraph for each of the 5 forces)

c. Summarize your results. Based on this 5-forces analysis, how attractive is this industry from the standpoint of making profits? Explain.

2. The movie rental industry changing.

A. What is changing about where and how we get our movie rentals?

B. What are the movie rental industry’s driving forces of change and how are they changing the industry. (read about driving forces in chapter

C. Explain and discuss what is going on here. Describe 3-4 and be as specific as you can about what you mean.

3. What do you think the movie rental industry of the future of will be like? How will it be different than today? How will this affect how companies compete and try and make profits renting movies?

4. What do you think will be thekeys to competing successfullyin this industry in the future(what will companies have to be able to do in order to compete?) Read about Key Success Factors in chapter 3;  Describe3-5 KSFs for the movie rental industry specifically.  (KSFs are different for each industry)

5. Summarize the strategic change that Netflix made when they changed how customers rent and pay for DVDs vs. Streaming.  What changes did Netflix make, and what was the result? Explain what happened here and why.

General Points for all cases: Put all of these answers in clear, easy to read formats. Use paragraph titles, bullet points, white space, numbering etc., to make your answers more readable where appropriate. (Don’t just write big paragraphs with the answers hard to find, buried in the text. Make it easy for the reader. Be careful with reading the charts in the case, some show numbers in millions, some in thousands, etc.) Good luck and please contact me with any questions or confusion.

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