
Analysis of valjeans motivation

Assignment task:

Outline/Pre-Write an essay presenting a clear analysis of Valjean's motivation after considering the questions above.  Develop a thesis statement and use 3-5 quotes from both the novel and the musical to support your answer. 


Your thesis statement should address one of the following questions (1) Did Valjean do the right thing by confessing his identity to save the innocent man at the cost of abandoning the hundreds of workers he employs, as well as the potential repercussions to Cosette?

Will you please let me know if my thesis is strong enough. If granmer and punctation os correct. Have I provided all evidence in my paper and does it flow. Im bot a good writer so im hoping you can really help me. Paper is below.

Valjean's moral journey in Les Miserables by Victor Hugo captures the transformative power of one's integrity amongst absolute moral dilemmas.The important part of his journey lies in his decision to confess his true identity, sacrificing his personal safety to save an innocent man wrongly accused. This choice reflects his commitment to justice as well as his demonstration of redemption echoing the overall theme of moral evolution. And therefore, it was the correct decision for Valjean to confess his identity despite the consequences.

 Valjean, an ex-convict who violated his parole, experiences a formative point in his life. He is now living his life as a prominent figure in society. He is the mayor, a factory owner, and is striving to live a righteous life.  He has confessed this in scene 1 at the bishop's house when he states "...to the whirlpool of my sin, I'll escape..." However, Valjean's past is now resurfacing and now there is a falsely-accused man who is believed to be Valjean himself. The moral dilemmas arise- Should he protect his own personal safety, or will he confess his true identity?

Valjean's decision to reveal his identity will redeem his previous crimes and will set him free from the guilt of his sin. Through taking responsibility for his crimes, Valjean displays a commitment to honesty and justice that contradict his previous actions. This act of sacrifice serves as a milestone in his transformation. Valjean's truthfulness follows the 9th commandment which states, "You should not bear false witness against your neighbor." This action also proves Valjean's progression because previously, Valjean felt that he was wronged by society. So if someone were to go to jail in his place, he would likely allow them to do so because he felt that he deserved it. However, now he would still take the punishment, even if he arguably deserves it less now. Although he is being righteous in his decision, will it help or hurt the people in his life?

Valjean has made it a long way the past 15 years of his life ever since prison. As stated before, a position as mayor, workers at a factory, and other responsibilities have come along with this. So once he goes to jail, he will be stripped from his high position in society and from Cosette therefore breaking his promise with her mother, Fantine, to take care of her. However, he is doing it all for the right reasons. The town could easily find a new mayor. Someone who has a slightly lower position of power could take over. This is similar to if the president were to die, the vice-president would then become the new leader. Also, there are likely many people searching for jobs in France in this time period. Studies show that 56% of Parisians were unemployed during this time period meaning that many people were looking for a job. Thus, there is likely someone who could fulfill his role at the factory. Last but certainly not least, Cosette could stay with the innkeepers for Valjean's time in prison. Shown through the start of Scene 6 in the song "Little Cosette," Cosette was being nurtured by the Thenardiers. Although she was being treated poorly, the innkeepers are her best bet at surviving. In conclusion there is a chance that everything works out just fine if Valjean is imprisoned.

In conclusion, Valjean's moral journey in Les Miserables by Victor Hugo encapsulates the transformative power of one's integrity amongst moral dilemmas. His transformation to a life of righteousness causes the reader to reflect on their own lives and consider if they're doing the right thing. Valjean shows that social norms aren't the only right thing to do in society. There's morals that many people do not typically follow. He shows us that we should rather follow these morals and be honest with ourselves and others. And as our parents love to say, honesty is the best policy.

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