
analysis of the written reports of service

Analysis of the written reports of  service in relation  to  the fitness, quality and efficiency of the service should be provided. The routine record-checking is always insufficient, because the staff will depend upon the checked  record to locate errors and omissions. The record review  can be done -  first  the outside of the fanily record, then  the inside of  the family record, next  the special service sheet, and lastly  the record of  the social factors. The items  that are to be checked include types of cases, nature of  service and medical supervision  to check whether it is adequate. l'he coordination of medical and nursing super~lisiori,  the content of the service like the bedside care, demonstration, instruction and adjustment to familt1  needs, consideration of social factors like social history, cooperation with other social agencies, need to be checked. The supenisor should encourage the staff to maintain  the records accurately and  

Maintenance of Anecdotal records: The anccdotal records of  objective descri ptions of  behaviour, as it occurs at a given time, place and circumstances are  to be maintained. They are continuous in the sense that sequential  records are kept about a staff's behaviour over relatively  long periods of time. They are objective so far as they describe what the staff has done or accomplished. Interpretation and evaluation  are kept separate from the descriptions of  the work done. The anecdotal observation can later fornl the basis of evaluation by aiding human memory which is both falliable and selective. It should be written immetliately  following each observation.  

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Biology: analysis of the written reports of service
Reference No:- TGS0176474

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