
Analysis of the selected health care problem

Assignment Problem: The dynamic health care industry is challenged with many types of existing and emerging problems. Examples of challenges may include: maintaining quality care, responding to shifts in consumer preferences, changes in technology, managing regulatory compliance, proactively assessing risks, and anticipating financial and reimbursement changes. There are a plethora of potential existing models and tools for analysis of the wide range of problems within the health care industry.

It is important to understand a problem within a systems based context. Initial problem assessment includes consideration of industry trends, regulations, standards and benchmarks. On a smaller scale, it is important to evaluate the organizational context, which may include a subsector of the industry, the level and type of care, as well as the specific organizational vision, mission, and strategy.

In this assessment, you will consider the PHI from the industry and organizational perspectives. You will explore the nature of PHI, what is currently being done to evaluate PHI, as well as tools with which to analyze and solve the health care problem. You will have an opportunity to explore a variety of formal and informal sources within the industry to select the best tool with which to analyze your selected health care problem. As part of this process, you will be able to search the library for existing practices and standards, informally query colleagues in the course room, and connect with a practicing health care professional for advice on how the problem is currently being addressed within a contemporary health care organization. This is an exciting opportunity to practice multiple health care leadership competencies and demonstrate your skills and potential value to an organization.

A culturally competent email and project timeline that communicates the problem and elicits participation from diverse, interdepartmental stakeholders.

Identify an appropriate tool for analysis of the selected health care problem. (Examples include assessment forms, cost benefit analysis forms, decision analysis software or other tools.)

Seek information from multiple industry sources, and justify the use of an assessment tool for examination of the selected health care problem (Example: ACHE).

Describe the organizational context for resolution of the selected health care problem. (Examples: quality management, clinical departments, risk management, finance, administration.)

Communicate the problem solving process to promote buy in from a culturally diverse interdepartmental team (Deliverable bullet points: Problem statement, search of authoritative sources, identification of major factors and how each are measured, the analysis tool, the presentation of data (graph, pie chart, other), recommendations from best practices, conclusion).

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Other Management: Analysis of the selected health care problem
Reference No:- TGS03217709

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