Create a 250 to 500 word informative handout for each student's family that includes the following:
1. A brief analysis of the misalignment between family, school, and community spheres of influence and the negative effect this misalignment can have on the student's learning outcomes. Support your analysis with at least two scholarly resources.
2. At least 3-5 resources that can assist you in learning more about the cultural backgrounds of Ben and Joshua's families, and what you hope to learn from each of these resources.
3. At least 5-7 resources you believe could assist each family. (Some overlap between resources is expected.) Specify the family needs each resource will support, how the resources offer support or a solution for the student's learning needs, and what outcomes you would like to see for Joshua and Ben if their families were to access these resources.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment.