
Analysis of the authors style

Rhetorical Analysis:

Project instructions:

In a 500-750 word essay, I want you to analyze the editorial that you have chosen. You should use basic MLA style; if you include direct quotations, you should make sure to enclose these in quotation marks and to provide an attributive tag.

In the introduction, you should introduce the columnist and the editorial. In addition, you should give a brief summary of the passage. Next, directly state the author's thesis. Tell me what claim is being asserted. You also need to include your own thesis. Your thesis should indicate whether the columnist has effectively presented and supported his/her claim.

REMEMBER: I am not asking whether you agree with the columnist. I want you to analyze the effectiveness of his/her argument.

Since the emphasis here is on your analysis of the author's style, you do not need to include other sources or a Works Cited page. Also, since the purpose of this assignment is very different from that of the rebuttal argument,

you may choose the same columnist/editorial you used for that assignment.

As you plan your essay, ask yourself the following questions:

Where in the passage is the claim most clearly stated? Where else is it stated?
What assumptions is the author making? Are they valid?
What support is offered on behalf of the claim?
Are the examples relevant, and are they convincing?
Are the statistics (if there are any) relevant, accurate, and complete? Do they allow only the interpretation that is offered in the argument?

If authorities (experts, other sources) are cited, are they indeed authorities on this topic, and can they be regarded as impartial?

Are counter-arguments adequately considered? If so, where?

Is there any evidence of dishonesty or of a discreditable attempt to manipulate the reader?

Does the author reveal any biases throughout the column? You do not have to answer each of these questions within your essay; instead, you should select the most relevant questions and respond with your own thoughtful, well-written analysis.

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Other Subject: Analysis of the authors style
Reference No:- TGS01437391

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