
Analysis of sandra data produced the anova


Q1. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the lighting level in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She divides the 120 pharmacies into 3 groups (urban, suburban, and rural) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level (soft, medium, and bright). Analysis of Sandra's data produced the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Treatment 50 2 25 0.230769
Block 6016.667 2 3008.333 27.76923
Error 433.3333 4 108.3333
Total 6500 8

Using α = 0.01, the appropriate decision for the treatment effects is

do not reject the null hypothesis μ1≠ μ2≠ μ3

do not reject the null hypothesis μ1 = μ2 = μ

reject the null hypothesis μ1≥ μ2≥ μ3

reject the null hypothesis μ1 ≤ μ2≤ μ3

Q2. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.

Treatment Level
1 2 3
27 26 27
26 22 29
23 21 27
24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA, the Between Sum of Squares (SSB) is





Q3. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses three levels of design style (neon, old world, and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to each design style. Analysis of Kevin's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 384.3333 2 192.1667
Within Groups 1359.667 15 90.64444
Total 1744 17

Using α = 0.05, the appropriate decision is _____________.

do not reject the null hypothesis μ1 = μ2 = μ3

do not reject the null hypothesis μ1≠ μ2≠ μ3

reject the null hypothesis μ1≥ μ2 ≥ μ3

reject the null hypothesis μ1 ≤ μ2 ≤μ3

Q4. Suppose the mean squares for treatment in a one-way ANOVA are 24.4 and the mean squares for error are 9.8. There were four treatments and 7 subjects received each treatment (for a total of 28). The calculated value of F is _______.





Q5. A chi-square goodness of fit test is to be performed. The degrees of freedom are 12, and alpha is 0.10. The table chi-square value that defines the rejection region is _______.





Q6. For a chi-square goodness of fit test, the calculated chi-square value is 6.74. The table chi-square value is 9.488. The appropriate decision for this is _______.

reject the null hypothesis

accept the null hypothesis

accept the alternative hypothesis

impossible to determine from this information

Q7. A variable contains five categories. It is expected that data are uniformly distributed across these five categories. To test this, a sample of observed data is gathered on this variable resulting in frequencies of 26, 10, 17, 21, 26. Using α = .01, the critical chi square value is _______.





Q8. A variable contains five categories. It is expected that data are uniformly distributed across these five categories. To test this, a sample of observed data is gathered on this variable resulting in frequencies of 26, 10, 17, 21, 26. Using α = .01, the appropriate decision is _______.

accept the null hypothesis that the observed distribution is uniform

accept the null hypothesis that the observed distribution is not uniform

reject the null hypothesis that the observed distribution is uniform

reject the null hypothesis that the observed distribution is not uniform

Q9. A researcher believes that a variable is Poisson distributed across six categories. To test this, a random sample of observations is made for the variable resulting in the following data:

Category 0 1 2 3 4 ≥5
Observed 47 56 39 22 18 10

Using α = .10, the critical chi square value for this goodness of fit test is _______.





Q10. A contingency table is to be used to test for independence. There are 3 rows and 3 columns in the table. How many degrees of freedom are there for this problem?





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Basic Statistics: Analysis of sandra data produced the anova
Reference No:- TGS01928962

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