
Analysis of potential integration



For this assignment, you will prepare a research paper. The following list will guide the development of this paper. You will use this paper to complete the Theorist Executive Summary Assignment and PowerPoint Slides Assignment.

1. Prepare a research paper on one of the theorists from the list provided below.

2. Select your first, second, and third choices for your theorist paper and then go to the Wiki located in Module/Week 1 to make your selection. Selections are "First come, first assigned." You may need to negotiate a bit with other students to get the theorist you would like to do, or at least one of your top three choices. Students will not be allowed to double up on names, so be sure to get yours in early.

3. This paper should cover the following information with regards to your theorist.

• A brief biographical sketch

• A summary of his/her research, theory and/or writings

• A biblical and theological evaluation of his/her theory

• An analysis of potential integration, application, or implication points for ministry leadership

4. Your biblical and theological evaluation of the theory should draw on concepts learned in CLED700, CLED720, and CLED800. Other sources of theological review are also encouraged including the use of the Foundation Reading assignment produced for CLED805.

5. Your paper must be 12 to 20 pages. Points will be deducted for papers under or over this range.

6. Prepare your paper in current APA style utilizing a minimum of 10 academic quality references.

Management/Leadership Theorists Options (Listed Alphabetically)

1. Argyris, Chris and Organizational Learning Theory

2. Bennis, Warren and Authentic Leadership

3. Blake, Robert and Jane Mouton and the Managerial Grid

4. Drucker, Peter F. and Organizational Management

5. Fayol, Henry and Principles of Management

6. Fiedler, Fred E. and Contingency Theory

7. Gilbreth, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Efficiency Management Theory

8. Greenleaf, Robert and Servant Leadership

9. House, Robert J. and Path-Goal Theory

10. Katz, Daniel L. and Skills Theory

11. Mayo, Elton and Human Relations Theory

12. McGregor, Douglas and Theory X and Theory Y

13. Mintzberg, Henry and Organizational Structure

14. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard and Situational Leadership

15. Simon, Herbert Alexander and Systems Theory

16. Taylor, Frederick Winslow and Scientific Management

17. Max Weber and Bureaucratic Management Theory

18. Transformational Leadership by Bernard Bass

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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