
Analysis of local company using bowmans strategy clock

Assignment Outcomes:

1) Develop the ability to accurately deploy established strategy techniques and approaches, as well as the latest thinking, regarding analysis, enquiry and application to strategy related concepts and practical situations.

2) Develop a range of problem solving techniques and approaches which can be used to understand and resolve theoretical and practical situations.

3) Be able to apply the methods, techniques and approaches learnt to review, consolidate extend and apply their knowledge of strategy and related areas to initiate strategy related tasks and projects, from theoretical or practitioner perspectives.

4) Understand and critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts, uncertainties and data relating to strategy, which will enable them to frame questions, make judgments and develop solutions to theoretical and practical problems relating to strategy and its environment.

Assignment Tasks:

The portfolio includes 4 different tasks which are all compulsory.

Task 1: Literature review (1,200 words equivalent)

A. Compile at least four (4) literatures, from books, journals, magazines and any other academic sources that define Strategic Management with proper citation and references.

B. From the literature gathered, make a review on its differences and similarities.

C. Based from your answer in A & B, write 10-lines in each of the paragraph of two, your own understanding of what strategic management is.

Task 2: An analysis of a local company using Bowman's Strategy Clock. (1,200 words)

A. Choose a local company which you are familiar with, and critically describe the company background in terms of its products, location, costumers, and company image or reputation.

B. Using the Bowman's clock, which do you think in your own analysis is the focus of the company in terms of 8 marketing strategies developed by Cliff Bowman and David Faulkner? Provide a convincing explanation as support to your answer.

Task 3: Situational Analysis

Oman is known to be heavily dependent on its oil resources as the country's source of revenue; however, there were times that oil prices in the global market dropped and this scenario challenges the country and came to think of tourism as the possible alternative to save the country's economy. Consider yourself as a consultant and asked to suggest your opinion, do you think to diversify to tourism is feasible? Provide a strong support to your opinion.

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Tags: Bowman's Strategy Clock Assignment Help, Bowman's Strategy Clock Homework Help, Bowman's Strategy Clock Solved Assignments, Bowman's Strategy Clock Coursework, Strategic Management Assignment Help, Strategic Management Homework Help

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