Part One:
Think of a time in your present job or during a previous job during which your own performance could have been improved.
Also, select a job that you held for a minimum of six months. You do not have to have been continuously unenthusiastic about all aspects of the job during the six or more months.
Briefly describe the job (or the part of the job) and the length of time that you held it.
Describe up to six reasons for your dampened enthusiasm about the job.
Part Two:
Think of a time on a job when you were highly motivated or when you were more motivated than usual.
The time period you choose should be one during which you were working full-time and had been for more than six months. However, this does not mean that you were continuously enthusiastic about all aspects of your job during that period.
Write a brief description of the job (or the part of the job) and the length of time that you held it.
Describe the reasons that you feel were responsible for your enthusiasm about the job. Try to remember what it was that was affecting you so strongly.