
Analysis of information from a survey - you are going to


After reading the three texts included in this assignment, answer the following questions:

Text 1 -

What are the main ideas that the writer wants to tell the readers?

What advice does the writer give about giving the best possible presentation?

What advice did you find the most useful for your situation? And what idea/ ideas do you disagree with? List at least 3 points that stand out for you for both.

Why do you think the writer has used bold writing for the text listed in the bullet points?

Text 2 -

Compared to Text 1, what do you think of the language used in this text?

How is the advice given in the second text different to the advice from the first text?

What writing strategies does the write use to communicate/interact with the readers?

What process does the writer suggest to follow when preparing for an oral presentation?

According to the author, what aspects do you need to pay attention to while giving an oral presentation?

Text 3 -

How many references are used in this text? What is the format of the reference/references?

What are the purpose and the context of this text?

What are the different focuses of this text compared to Text 1 and Text 2?


Among all the three texts, which one do you think is the most convincing text? Why do you think so?

What similarities are there in the three texts about how to give the best possible presentation? List at least 6.

From the information given in all 3 texts, what advice will help you with presentations in the future? List at least 3 points and explain how this information will help.



Instructions for the Student

1. You are going to write a report on People's attitudes towards vaccinations. The information you include in your report needs to be based on the findings of a survey that you have conducted

2. Confirm the purpose of this survey and the Protocols for conducting it with your trainer/assessor. Refer to the model provided in in Chapter 2 on p. 180 in LEAP. Reading & Writing as a guide for writing the survey.

3. Write a survey to ask local people about their attitudes towards vaccinations

a. Write an introduction for the survey that provides the subjects with an explanation on why you are conducting the research

b. Write 8 to 10 questions to find out what people in general think about vaccinations

c. Determine which type of subjects you want to use in your sample Consider factors such as gender, age or ethnicity

d. Design a survey to collect the required information

e. Conduct the survey with a sample of 20 subjects

f. Read through the completed surveys and take notes of the relevant data

g. Record the main findings from the surveys and include this information and your analysis of it in your report

4. Write your report about the different views that people have on vaccinations

a. Make sure that you understand what the report is about and what you need to include in it by confirming the details of the task with your trainer/ assessor

b. Use the structure in the model provided in Chapter 2 on pp. 181-183 in LEAP. Reading & Writing to make a plan for the writing of the report.

c. Organise and synthesise the information gathered from the findings in the survey to build your introduction and discussion.

d. Make sure to give reasons and examples to support all assertions you make in your report

e. Connect all sections and paragraphs by using sequencing and cohesive linking devices

f. Design 2 or 3 diagrams (line graphs, tables or charts) to give a visual representation of your findings.

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Management Theories: Analysis of information from a survey - you are going to
Reference No:- TGS02545782

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