
Analysis of how the informationresearch findings in each

Part -1:

Writing a Brief Draft

At this point in the course, you have developed a focal question, reviewed articles related to your topic, and have designed an outline of your final paper. Using all of that information, begin the writing process now. Effective writers create a draft of their paper and revise that draft one or more times before producing a final paper. Your draft-writing process begins with this assignment and continues in Module 4. In Module 5, you will submit your final draft of this paper.

Write a draft of the first few pages of your final paper, using current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and formatting of the text, headings, citations, and references.

The following components, each in current APA style, must be included:

Running head with page numbers 2-3 pages of the body of the paper. Be sure to:

Articulate a research question which is specific, researchable, and important to the field. This should be the same focal question you submitted in Module 2.

Provide an introduction to your paper, introducing your topic and providing an overview of the main points you will discuss in further detail in the final paper.

Review at least 3 academic references. These should be academic references taken from the list of 10 references you submitted in Module 2. Your review of each source should include the following:

The main topic

The focus or thesis of the journal article

The argument the author is making and its relevance to your focal question

The type of article-published, original research, meta-analysis, or reflection piece

The key findings of the study

Your opinion about the merits of the study, including future points of interest or research

Analysis of how the information/research findings in each article confirm or contradict the findings in the other articles you have chosen.

Headings and subheadings organizing the body of the paper

Part -2:

Designed a Title Page consistent with current APA standards.

Articulated a research question which was specific, researchable, and important to the field.

Selected and reviewed at least 3 academic references.

Provided 2-3 pages of the body of the paper, introducing the topic and a thorough overview of the main points to be discussed more fully in a later draft.

Style: Tone, audience, and word choice

Organization: Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements: In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style.

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Other Subject: Analysis of how the informationresearch findings in each
Reference No:- TGS0934711

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