
Analysis of different forms of intersection control for site

Wellington Road/Kelletts Road, Lysterfield


The intersection of Wellington Road and Kelletts Road is in the suburb of Lysterfield in Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs – Melway reference.

It is a “T” shaped intersection currently controlled by Give Way signs.

VicRoads is considering whether to upgrade the intersection to a roundabout or traffic signals. There have been a few crashes since 2010.


The VicRoads senior traffic engineer responsible for this area has asked you for a report with sufficient analysis of different forms of intersection control for this site.  You have been asked to assess the traffic and safety performance and consider all other matters relating to the choice of intersection control and write a report justifying your recommended treatment.

Provide a functional geometric design layout plan of the intersection for your recommended treatment – either traffic signals or a roundabout.


You will use the SIDRA INTERSECTION software in the two Computer Laboratory classes on 6 or 7 April and 13 or 14 April.

Use SIDRA to analyse the following:

• the existing intersection with Give Way signs, with existing (2014) traffic volumes,
• a roundabout,
• traffic signals.

For a comparative check, also calculate the capacity and degree of saturation of the main movements at the existing unsignalised intersection, using manual methods.

You will need to analyse the intersection for the morning and afternoon peak hourly volumes.

For the traffic signals case, you need to analyse several options to determine the most efficient geometry and phasing that gives the best intersection performance.  Some choices will also depend on your assessment of safety.  Right turn movements may be fully controlled, partially controlled or filter only.  You must present the SIDRA outputs for at least 3 sensible variations in the Appendices to your report.

Generally, assume that parameters are the same as SIDRA defaults.  However, these may be modified if this would result in a more realistic assessment.


The following information is provided:

1. An aerial photo

File: Wellington Kelletts aerial.pdf

• The surrounding land use can be seen in the photos.  More information on the surrounding area can be found from a site visit, from street directories or on-line aerial photographs.

2. Traffic volumes from 2014

File: Wellington Kelletts Turning Movement Counts.xlsx

• These counts include rigid trucks and semitrailers.  There is no information on pedestrian volumes.
• In these outer suburbs, it is reasonable to assume that traffic demand will grow by 2% per year over the design life of 15 years.

3. Official records of casualty crashes 1/1/2010 to 31/12/2014

File: Wellington Kelletts Crash Record.xlsx

• This includes a collision diagram on the second tab in the spreadsheet.
• A list of crash codes (DCA) is also supplied

File: crash stats DCA codes.pdf

4. Previous layout plan of the intersection from 2002.  This is a useful base plan and gives the property boundaries.

File: Wellington Kelletts Previous Upgrade.xlsx

5. The speed limit is 80 km/h along all legs of the intersection.

6. Planning information:

There are no plans to duplicate Wellington Road east of Napoleon Road.  Also there are no plans for major development activities in the adjoining suburbs.

This area is generally covered by Environmental Significance Overlay Schedule 2.  Knox City Council has installed a sign within the road reserve advising that this site as a ‘Significant Conservation Area'. There are some trees within the road reserve which may need special permission to remove.


Your report should discuss and recommend the best form of control for this intersection. 

1. Your report should include the following:

a) A copy of the SIDRA Layout diagram for each of the three control types (signals, roundabout and Give Way sign) and any other geometric options analysed

b) A copy of the SIDRA Volume Summary diagram for the AM and PM peak periods

c) For each scenario, a copy of the SIDRA Intersection Summary

d) For the signalised intersection case, a copy of the proposed signal phasing, with the type of right turn control to be used

e) A copy or record of any other important input or output data, particularly where you have adopted values different to the SIDRA defaults


1. (a) to (d) above can be simply copied from SIDRA and pasted into a Word document.
2. Comment on the most important SIDRA performance measures.
3. Discuss other considerations that affect the decision about the type of intersection control and the overall functional design of the intersection.
4. Provide a succinct conclusion with a clear recommendation to the VicRoads senior traffic engineer.


Produce and attach to the report an AutoCAD drawing for the preferred functional layout of traffic signals or a roundabout for this intersection (whichever you are recommending).  This should be to scale on A3 paper and include the following features:

1. geometric layout of kerbs

2. all pavement markings

3. traffic sign locations

4. for traffic signals:

a. location of signal posts

b. signal lantern arrangements

You do NOT need to show underground services.  Base dimensions can be taken as best you can from the plan supplied and the aerial photo.

Attachment:- Wellington Kelletts aerial.jpg

Attachment:- Wellington Kelletts Crash Record.xlsx

Attachment:- Wellington Kelletts Previous Upgrade.tif

Attachment:- Wellington Kelletts Turning Movement Counts.xlsx

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Other Engineering: Analysis of different forms of intersection control for site
Reference No:- TGS01238510

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