
Analysis and discussion and the case or the company that is

Suggested topic - E business and e commerce and information systems

Assignment (Project)

Student will be asked(subject to lecturer discretion) to prepare and present an information session on a nominated topic.

The assignment (the project) must be consistent and all parts must be linked together and coherent as the marking is a holistic process and will be given to the whole project.

The assignment length should not exceed 1800 word and should not be under any cases less than 1500 word, excluding references list, figures, tables and appendices.

The recommended structure of the assignment is as follows:

1. Introduction; must include the aims of your project, purposes, scope, industry, and main issues covered in the project, (approximately 150 words)

2. Literature review: Getting some literature support relevant to your topic from journal articles and books and other relevant sources (700 words approximately).

3. Analysis and discussion and the case or the company that is covered in your project (400 words approximately). In addition to your opinion and critical reflections.

4. Conclusions and recommendations

2. Presentation

Students will deliver a 15-minute presentation. This presentation is to be an information session. Each student must contribute to both the preparation and delivery. While the textbook can form a foundation for this assignment, students should read more broadly and incorporate interesting research that highlights both practical and theoretical issues.

Studentis required to develop the overheads to be used in the presentation. The student should use information from the articles each person reviewed in Assessment Item 1 and at least 2 other refereed journal articles per person to support the information they present.

NOTE: A reference list for the presentation should be provided as the last slide in your presentation.

1500-2000 word

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Dissertation: Analysis and discussion and the case or the company that is
Reference No:- TGS01286624

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