This is a module which aims to develop your skills as a manager by analysing your existing personal management competencies and then identifying strengths and weaknesses.
You will work through a series of activities and reading (at your own pace) and complete a range of Personal and Management Competence Checklists such as MCI, CIPD, Belbin and Honey and Mumford Learning Styles analysis. You are also encouraged to find other personal and management competence toolkits and use them in your work.
From the results of these checklists you should then critically analyse the results, highlighting how you think your strengths have been developed and how they may benefit your role as a manager (with theory and examples), and how you can overcome your weaknesses, identifying how these weaknesses could limit your role as a manager and suitable methods of developing yourself to overcome such skills needs.
The results of this analysis along with your understanding of appropriate theoretical models is the basis of your assignment for this module.
1. Explain what is meant by Self Awareness/Self Development. Try and introduce some theory such as definitions. Your work should demonstrate reading and referencing.
2. Demonstrating your evidence of reading through the use of references, explain why self awareness/self development is important for a manager to undertake. Explain the link between self awareness and self development. Parts one and two should be around 500 words.
3. Highlight the methods you have used to analyse yourself throughout this module, for example Johari, Learning Styles, Personality Tests, Appraisal feedback, MCI etc.
4. Using appropriate theory and evidence of reading, as well as your own views, critically evaluate two or three of the above Competence Models, for example what is good about them, what are their deficiencies? Justify why you have chosen to focus your assessment on a particular model(s).
5. Attach your findings from your chosen (and any other) models.
6. Highlight the results of your self assessment and critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you identify a weakness as being poor at oral presentations, suggest how this could affect your role as a manager in your own place of work.
7. Attempt to relate all of your findings to your workplace and demonstrate how you have used your strengths to best affect (and the results) and how your weaknesses could cause problems or how they can be minimised.
8. Look at your weaknesses and make suggestions about how you can overcome them or improve them. Parts three – eight should be around 2500 words Appendices:
9. Complete a self development plan which aims to overcome all or some of your weaknesses. Create your own or use a standard Self Development template such as the one available on the e-learning portal. This self development plan can be added as
an appendix in your assignment
10. You may also wish to look at website for more information.
11. Complete a reflection of your teamworking traits (using a tool such as Belbin Team Roles Analysis) and discuss, using example your strengths and/or weaknesses in relation to teamworking. This should be around 500 words.
12. Complete a reflection of your verbal communication/presentation traits and discuss, using example your strengths and/or weaknesses in relation to verbal communication and presentation. This should be around 500 words.
13. Throughout the report you should include evidence to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of self analysis, explanation and comment on the different self analysis toolkits/exercises you carried out, and the associated theories relating to self analysis and development.
14. Harvard Referencing should be used throughout and a comprehensive list of references/bibliography should be attached.
15. You may wish to include evidence of your self analysis/findings/activities etc in appendices.