A spreadsheet model that would be help analyse overheating risks in buildings with a changing climate scenario (how often would overheating occur - No. of hours) .
Analysing the Effects of Climate Change on the Residential Building Cooling Requirements in Manchester, England
(Reference in Harvard Style - Use Web, Journals, books etc.) Here are few of the key things to consider when designing the model
Climate Location - Manchester
Type of House - Semi-Detached
Consider various future climate predictions (Use MET OFFICE data or similar reliable source) - Summer months - May till August
Solar Gains
Ventilation rates
Occupied hours
Insulation Levels (walls, windows etc.)
The vital point - We are looking for a TIPPING POINT where the overheating (thermal discomfort) won't be resolved through natural ventilation (Opening windows - most common source of ventialtion atm) due to rise in temperatures (heatwaves/global warming)
At this point we would have to start using cooling mechanisms but using AC's would further harm the environment through the release of greenhouse gasses and increase in energy demand. Hence, here we would use of various renewable to provide cooling and have energy savings.
Table of Contents Page No.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Overheating and thermal discomfort
2.2 Dwellings in UK
2.3 Indoor Air Quality
2.4 Use of Renewables
3. Methodology
3.1 Overall Approach
3.2 Cooling Load Temperature Difference
3.3 Cooling Load Factor
3.4 Spreadsheet Modelling
3.5 London Scenario
4. Gantt Chart
5. Potential project risks and mitigation strategies
6. References
7. Appendix
Few references to help you out