
Analyse the viewpoints and cultural backgrounds of

Title: Written Assessment - Reflection - People and Culture 

Learning Outcomes - On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Analyse the viewpoints and cultural backgrounds of stakeholders when assessing organisational situations and developing policies and practices.
  • Critically evaluate personal career experiences as both an employee and manager to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

This assessment is designed to get you to reflect on your own practices and professional and personal behaviour around organisational culture, inclusion and diversity. Consider the following focus questions:

Do your behaviours and attitudes support the workplace inclusion and diversity policies?

Do you actively contribute to increased inclusion and diversity in the workplace?

Do you consider the viewpoint and cultural backgrounds of employees and colleagues when developing policies?

Do you consider the viewpoint and cultural backgrounds of employees and colleagues when working in or building teams?

What do the current research and theories around the impact of diversity and inclusion in the workplace suggest?

What are your responsibilities in terms of:

  • knowledge of inclusion and diversity policies and processes?
  • contributions to a culture of inclusion?
  • support for management or staff to create an inclusive culture?

Based on your responses and the learnings from this unit, evaluate your awareness, understandings and contributions to workplace inclusion and diversity.

Instructions - In your response, you will need to:

1. Reflect on the theories and research around organisational culture, inclusion and diversity and the importance of this to organisational culture and the workplace.

2. Relate these theories to your own context and organisation.

a. You will need to provide examples that demonstrate your understanding of the research and apply them to your own context and personal experiences.

3. Using your responses from the focus questions. Identify areas that you need to develop or areas that demonstrate strength.

4. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and explain how these strengths and weaknesses can impact or contribute to organisational culture. (Choose one strength and one weakness.)

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Management Theories: Analyse the viewpoints and cultural backgrounds of
Reference No:- TGS02649464

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