The fundamental objective of this assignment is to demonstrate the student ability to
1. Identify, and analyse the structures and quantitative analysis techniques for buildings.
2. Discuss structural behaviour of the materials on the building components (Shear and moments).
1. State and apply the fundamental principles of mechanics and recognise their relevance to the strength and stability of different building structures;
2. Identify different loading systems and structural forms and apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques
TASK 1: (Short Report)
Select one topic below to search variety of them regarding to shape, strength capabilities, structural aspects, and their usage:
Also try to find factories / companies which are producing or providing them in Oman. And bring their product specification and diversities in you report.
A. Concrete beam/column profile section
B. Steel beam/column profile sections
C. Trusses
Report Sections
The report should contain the following sections:
• Abstract
• Introduction (i.e. definition of beam and column, ...)
• Main body (i.e. description of beam/column types, classification, shapes, properties, ...)
• Conclusions
• References
1. Abstract
The abstract must be brief, but it has to tell the reader
• What is the goal of the work (e.g. the objective of this study is to study the types of truss, etc.)
• Your searching methods (i.e. internet surfing , book, association, ...)
• What are the results obtained (number of truss type, famous one), preferably not more than 2 sentences.
2. Introduction
• Discuss in general the beam/column classification, and the criteria of selecting them, ....
• The objective of the study.
• Give the general plan of the report (e.g. how do you collect your data and what will you do to discuss these properties).
3. Main body
• Classification,
• Shapes and properties,
• Structural aspects
• Purpose of usage, ...
4. Conclusions
• State briefly what are the major achievements of your work.
5. References
• List alphabetically your references which should include: Journal papers, proceedings, books, book chapters, internet sources etc.
6. Appendix
• Any additional figures, tables, photos, etc.
Task 2
Solve and discuss the problems given below. Each of student should be able to present either of problems in class with arbitrary selection by teacher. Either write task 2 on hardcopy or typed.
P1) Students need to design 5 girders section area as connection for below balcony. The length of balcony is 2 meters and 1 meter width. If dead load of balcony is 250kg/m2 and maximum five big (100kgf per man) men can stand at edge of balcony, find the shear force in each girder? If the shear stress strength in the wooden girder is 20 N/mm2 and factor of safety is 2, what is the minimum value of the depth of girders? (Assume balcony as a cantilever beam and girder section is rectangular by width of 2 cm., H=? cm)
P2) Calculate the member forces of the truss given below with cross section methods. The length of member which has rolled support is 4.5 m.

Rules & Regulations
• If any content or diagram of the assignment is found copied from the other students then marks will be deducted from both assignments.
• The purpose of assignment is to do some research work so you can consult books in Library or use internet or computer magazines or any other source.