
Analyse the expansion capability of australian company

Create a 5000 word report (excluding title page, executive summary, table of contents, table of figures, list of tables, or references) and present the key findings and,recommendations of the team's research at a class presentation.

The assignment should be completed as a team. The report and presentation should be based upon the country that has been assigned to each team by their lecturer or tutor. This project will require you to analyse the country assigned within the parameters found below.

The purpose of this assignment is to for students to analyse the expansion capability of an existing Australian company, JB Hi-Fi (https://www.jbhifi.com.au/) to another country (NOT New Zealand) using e- business and/or e-commerce, and to communicate these key issues through a written report and in-class presentation. Do NOT prepare a generic report or presentation: your report and presentation must be focused on your assigned country or your marks will be severely reduced. The report and presentation should incorporate visual techniques (e.g. maps, graphs, tables) that enhance the report and adequately communicate the required information.

The document should take the form of a well-researched academic report. Your discussion is to be well-supported by references from respected sources. You must include academic journals, books, and well-respected sources of related Internet material that you find relevant

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Other Subject: Analyse the expansion capability of australian company
Reference No:- TGS01785016

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