
Analyse stock charts fundamentals and overall market trends

Executed buy/sell transactions based upon current order flow, researched traditional and experimental forms of technical stock performance analysis.

Traded 15 asx stocks within the past 12 months

Maintained constant research to determine leading sectors in the current market

Used technical analysis to forecast price movements and place effective stop orders

Search for, conduct fundamental analysis of, and trade large cap, medium cap, and microcap securities

Analyse stock charts, fundamentals and overall market trends.

Find opportunities within the market for long term trades (i.e. growing companies with a high-dividend yield).

Find opportunities through current trends for short term trades (i.e. airlines and tire companies due to oil price drop).

Scanned current company earnings reports for fast growing companies

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Financial Management: Analyse stock charts fundamentals and overall market trends
Reference No:- TGS02793845

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