
Analyse shea model of psychiatric interviewing

Problem 1: Critically analyse how a trauma informed approach to assessment (Loughhead, Rhodes, Baker & Macedo ,2022 pp 101-123) assists in building a therapeutic relationship with the consumer. Include principles of assessment, engagement and collecting valid data. Use examples from the mental health assessment video to support your analysis.

Problem 2: Critically analyse Shea's (2017, pp.4-55) model of psychiatric interviewing with specific reference to engagement, collecting valid data and a strength-based approach. Compare and contrast this to the nurses' approach to the mental health nursing assessment in the video.    

Problem 3: Outline and discuss two (2) areas for consideration with regard to collaborating with the client, family, and others in undertaking a mental health assessment. Inclusion of the influence of culture is essential. Provide examples from the video to support your response.

Problem 4: Outline and discuss two (2) legal considerations that need to be considered when undertaking a mental health assessment. Provide examples from the video to support your response

Problem 5: Outline two (2) ethical considerations the mental health assessment on the video raised for you. What would you do? Provide examples from, the video to support your response.

Video Link:

YouTube Video: Mental Health Assessment: Jake

Reference: Using APA 7th edition with 10 years latest references.

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Reference No:- TGS03380199

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