
Analyse possible ways of resolving ethical dilemmas

Assignment task: Analyse possible ways of resolving at least two ethical dilemmas (from the supplied case studies) by individual care workers and/or agencies which demonstrates examples of good and bad practice. In this you should provide, from contrasting ethical perspectives, ethical justifications for conflicting decisions. 

Case Study:

Shameeka is a social worker with a heavy caseload of adult clients with diverse support needs and this has been increased due to a colleague's sickness. Shameeka tells her manager that she is struggling to divide her time equally and fairly between the clients as she has two cases that are demanding a lot of attention. These two cases are high risk and involve children. Her manager says that he is unable to lighten Shameeka's caseload. Shameeka is very distressed as she feels torn between trying to meet all her clients' needs fairly or by prioritising the two high risk cases but in doing so disadvantaging her other clients and letting them down.

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HR Management: Analyse possible ways of resolving ethical dilemmas
Reference No:- TGS03279971

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