
Analyse and interpret interpersonal meaning in instances of

Subject description

This subject explores how meaning is constructed in discourse. It focuses primarily on language but also considers how language cooperates with other systems of meaning, including images and body language. The subject explores how people build a sense of reality, how they shape relations with others, and how they organise meanings into different kinds of messages. The subject also looks at discourse as enacting different genres in educational, work and social lives. The subject is research inspired and builds from an introduction to social semiotic theory of discourse and genre, to the application of theory in the analysis and interpretation of meanings in discourse. Explored texts are from a range of relevant fields of practice - professional, educational and personal - and the subject reflects on how an analytical understanding of meaning in discourse has relevance to an understanding and critique of social practices.

Subject objectives
a. analyse and interpret interpersonal meaning in instances of discourse
b. analyse and interpret ideational meaning in instances of discourse
c. analyse and interpret textual meaning in instances of discourse
d. analyse and interpret genre in instances of discourse
e. produce written accounts that integrate relevant literature
f. produce written accounts that are coherent in structure and display clarity of expression

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

This subject addresses the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Professional Readiness
1.2 Graduates have the necessary skills and knowledge to teach in a range of contexts, both local and international.

2. Critical and Creative Inquiry
2.1 Graduates have the knowledge base on which to generate, synthesise and critique complex ideas.
6. Effective Communication
Graduates have strong communication and interpersonal skills to mediate complex knowledge and skills for a variety of audiences.

Assessment task 1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse

Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre.

Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.

Length: 3000 words

Assessment task 2: Analysis and interpretation of ideational and textual meaning in discourse

Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre.

Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.

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Dissertation: Analyse and interpret interpersonal meaning in instances of
Reference No:- TGS01398202

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