
Analyse and critically appraise an organisation operations



It is the 2nd of the case based assessments you are completing. The task is the same, the criteria are the same - what changes at each stage is the level of detail expected, the sophistication in your reflections and the range of theories thought about in order to understand the case. You will have looked at more ideas in your text at this stage so make use of all of them - not just the new ones studied since the first case. This time your area of OM will be emergency management.

During sessions you will:

• View the material assigned within the meeting room

• Complete discussions and brainstorming with your group

• Independent research to answer the questions raised in the group

Action Plan:

Based on this material you will be expected to construct an Action Plan as a group. The Action Plan should reflect the questions you have discussed in your tutorial groups, a consideration of a variety of situations that could arise that would affect the action plan, and your group's independent research on the topic.

Your action plan will achieve the following:

I. Identifying a coherent set of questions that need to be addressed in order to understand the situation as well as think through what actions needed in order to achieve the desired operations and defend that selection - make sure it is a coherent set of questions;

II. A reasoned selection of theories and tools that help you think about the case you are addressing (you will select from ALL the tools studied to date);

III. An understanding of where information that assists you deal with the case comes from and look for information that challenges what you have assumed;

IV. The logical selection of tools, techniques, standards and controls that reflects a consideration of a variety of situations;

V. How it considers every aspect of the case study: situation faced, who, how, what, where, when - this is a dynamic situation so 'things' are dynamic;

VI. Your ability to collaborate to create an action plan that responds to the changes in the emergency environment;

VII. The way your action plan reflects the inquiry process completed in your groups.

You can use tools such as mind mapping to organise the questions into an organised set. Questions do not operate in isolation rather each informs others in a certain order.


You will write an individual reflection, explaining the thought process behind the action plan. The following models an approach to thinking through reflection.

Each of these elements can be reflected on:

1. Reflections on the thinking process - the role of the questions, the manner they were, how they were answered and what information was used;

2. The theories/tools chosen and how they improved the thinking (using those studied to date);

3. The manner of operations of your tutorial group;

4. Specific questions as to the process;

5. Coping with the dynamic nature of an emergency; and

6. Changes proposed to improve the process.

An issue that is not transparent is once a question is defined one limits thinking within that particular area. Having manufactured a range of chemical products including material used in manufacture of soft drinks such a situation could be defined as "a system to defined chemical inputs to achieve a predicted chemical product" yet an alternative could be "a system to create chemicals to improve flavour and sensation elements to improve carbonated beverages. Each leads to different behaviour - can you identify the implicit system definition that guided your inquiry.

1. What system definition did you assume in your inquiry?;

2. What alternative definition might apply?; and

3. What changes if the alternative was used?

Remember there is an additional element to consider -

reflect on the process of reflection -

how can it be done better?

You will be expected to undertake independent research in order to write the reflection, and to use correct academic referencing.


Again, the capacity to raise questions is THE critical step to dealing with reality. Too many act as thought subjects are about telling you what to think. This subject is about getting you to think about how to think within the field of OM.

You will be able to:

1 analyse and critically appraise an organisation's operations(your frame of questions will have i mproved and capacity to plan and analyse using them improved);

2 be able to determine and apply appropriate tools and techniques in a variety of operations situations(your studies will have provided you with an expanded set of tool s and theories to draw upon - as a result you will develop a greater level of competence in this area);

3 be able to collect, analyse and interpret operational data (you will draw on specific data dealing with operational matters to inform decision making);

4 be able to formulate and evaluate alternative approaches in operation s management(you will be articulating different ways operational needs can be met);

5 be able to establish standards and develop controls applicable to various processes(having defined what to and postulated how to you will consider whether you know you are meeting the expectations); and

6 be able to respond to changes in the business environment by deploying the appropriate operations strategy(you will recognise and begin to deal with volatility through developing thinking skills capable of dealing with such situations).

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Operation Management: Analyse and critically appraise an organisation operations
Reference No:- TGS02054426

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