Question 1: What are the fundamental differences between the analog transmission and digital transmission?
Question 2: Illustrate the different transmission impairments.
Question 3: Draw the frequency domain representation of the signal illustrated below:
Question 4: Describe the data communication system.
Question 5: Define the word topology. Describe the different network topologies.
Question 6: Describe the three transmission modes.
Question 7: Describe the terms LAN, MAN, WAN and Internetworks.
Question 8: Which transmission mode (simplex, half duplex and full duplex) can be compared to the following? Validate your answer.
a) A heated argument between two persons
b) A computer to monitor connection
c) A polite conversation between two persons
d) A television broadcast
Question 9: What is fundamental difference between guided and unguided media?
Question 10: Which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are employed for the communication?