
anabolism and lipogenesis beside the

Anabolism and Lipogenesis: Beside  the glucose  stored  as glycogen  some  glucose of  blood  isanabolized in everybody cell, into  structural  polysaccharides for  growth. Repair and multiplication .Some  glucose  is transformed  into  pentose  sugar  for synthesis  of nucleotides. If after fultilment  of all these  glucose requirement  some  glucose still remains  unused it is converted  to fat  in the  liver and fatty  tissues  and stored in the  latter .In  this  process, the sugar is first  degraded to pyruvic  acid which  is then converted into  a two carbon compound acetyl  co enzyme  A. The latter  is polymerized 

To from  long chain fatty acids. Glycerol  is readily  formed  from glucose .It  combines  with fatty acids to form  neutral fats  which are released into  the blood. Adipose tissues  remove  this  fat from   blood  for storage .Fat storage  always  has a fattening  effect upon  the body.

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Biology: anabolism and lipogenesis beside the
Reference No:- TGS0172625

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