
An mnc makes major decisions at the corporate headquarters


To successfully increase a company's market share, revenue, and profits, which of the following steps must be done ?
A. Determine when to release a new product relative to a similar product from a competitor
B. Increase marketing efforts in key regions
C. Increase the price point of key products to the level where consumers are able to continue buying the product
D. Assess alternative markets and evaluate the costs, benefits, and risks of entering each one.


What do internalization advantages refer to?
A. The idea of absorbing the costs for producing the products a firm produces.
B. The idea that it is advantageous for a firm to produce products or services itself instead of other companies doing this.
C. Having all workers hired as employees instead of hiring a mixture of employees and contract workers to produce the goods or services.
D. Leveraging the marketing techniques of the MNC instead of foreign marketing firms that are located in a given region.


Which of the following is NOT a factor that a MNC must consider when using exporting as a way of entry into a market?
A. Human resources management
B. Government policies
C. Marketing issues
D. Distribution issues


What is a joint venture?
A. When two sole proprietorships combine to form a company which then starts to sell products in different countries.
B. Two firms that share information to create better products in their respective markets or regions.
C. Two firms that join together to create a new business entity that is distinct and separate from the two parent companies.
D. Two firms that temporarily join forces to create a product that is sold for a short period of time.


Which of the following is a benefit to forming a strategic alliance?
A. Ease of market entry
B. Greater revenues when entering a new market
C. Increased number of leadership positions which leads to better decision making
D. Enhanced images for companies involved in the strategic alliance


Which of the following is an important factor when selecting a partner to form a strategic alliance?
A. Sales figures of the partner being looked at
B. Personal nature of the leaders at the potential partner company
C. The nature of the potential partner's products or services
D. The stock price of the potential partner being looked at


A mid level manager is involved in ensuring that the raw materials or inputs are correctly handled to get the final products or services produced in the way needed for the MNC to sell them. What is this manager involved with?
A. Distribution management
B. Inventory management
C. Asset management
D. Operations management


A firm buys several acres of forested land in order to have the wood for its furniture being sold in markets around the world. What is this process of securing resources called?
A. Operations management
B. Supply chain management
C. Wholesale management
D. Property management


A firm does a careful analysis of the weights and prices of its products that it will be producing and selling in another country. What factor is the MNC studying when undertaking this type of analysis?
A. Country-related issues
B. Product-related issues
C. Government policies
D. Transportation-related issues


An MNC makes major decisions at the corporate headquarters but allows individual decisions to be made at the local level when it comes to satisfying the customer. What kind of model does this MNC represent?
A. Centralized model
B. Decentralized model
C. Hybrid model
D. Homogenous model


Which model looks at the skills, knowledge, and other characteristics to help differentiate effective performers from ineffective performers in a given situation?
A. Competency-based model
B. Management-based model
C. Goals-oriented model
D. Employee-based model


What are some of the major benefits to using a decentralized learning model for a multinational corporation?


How can the idea of "loss of face" exacerbate the communication barriers between senior management that is attempting to communicate with subsidiary managers in a second language that they may not be fluent in?


Why have the promises of fortune from marketing to the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) not panned as predicted?


What are typically the problems with translating marketing materials from one language into another?


What are the important roles that an HR department can assume when acquisitions are done by the MNC?

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Business Management: An mnc makes major decisions at the corporate headquarters
Reference No:- TGS01720922

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