An LED with a current limiting resistor is attached to an output pin of a microcontroller. To be visible, the LEC needs at least 7 mA of current going through it. The microcontroller can provide a maximum of 10 mA. Here is the data:
Resistor (RD): a normal distribution with a nominal value of 630 Ohms and standard deviation of 10% of the nominal value.
LED (VD): a normal distribution with a nominal value of 2 V and standard deviation of 10% of the nominal value.
Output Pin (Vout): a uniform distribution from 4.9 to 5.1 V.
The current provided to the LED is ID = (Vout-VD)/RD
1. Running a Monte Carlo simulation, what is the expected value of the LED current?
2. What percent of the time will the current be too small to light the LED?
3. What percent of the time will the current exceed to maximum current of the microcontroller?