
An introduction to the overarching

Create a review that is a minimum of two pages in length of the article listed above.

Include the following elements in your article review:

an introduction to the overarching topic of the article

the authors main points

the authors’ supporting evidence for each main point

your analysis of how the article relates to the content and how it applies to real world situations

your critical evaluation of the main points and supporting evidence presented in this article (your evaluation should demonstrate critical thinking to inform and substantiate your opinion), and a conclusion.

You must Use APA style

As with all your work at Waldorf University be sure to cite all your sources and follow Waldorf’s Academic Integrity Policy.

The journal article by Ogbonna and Harris does contain one vulgar word in a direct quote taken from one of the case study organizations. As a result, if you prefer to review another article instead, you may review the following article, also found in the Business Source Complete database in the Waldorf Online Library: Fauchart, E., & Gruber, M. (2011). Darwinians, communitarians, and missionaries: The role of founder identity in entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (5), 935 957.

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