
An introduction that explains the concept of public-key

For your third writting assignment, you are going to write in your own words a summary of an academic research paper.

You will be reading the 1978 research paper titled "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems" by R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman that invented the RSA public-key encryption system.

Your summary should include the following:

* An introduction that explains the concept of Public-Key encryption. The introduction should also describe an application of Public-Key encryption.

* Following sections that explain how the authors accomplish public-key encryption including some technical details on how to encode and decode data using their encryption system.

* A conclusion that shares at least two opinions about the paper itself such as something that you liked about the paper or something that you think the paper could have explained better.


* Your summary should be between 3 and 5 pages double-spaced using 1 inch margins and 12pt Times New Roman font.

* The use of figures/graphics/images/code IS NOT ALLOWED.

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Dissertation: An introduction that explains the concept of public-key
Reference No:- TGS02626028

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